Supervision of Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Research Group

Ph.D Students
  • M. N. Quadar, a Ph.D. student at RMC. Subject: Analyzing and Securing Embedded Networks Using Game Theory and EdgeAI: A Case Study on Modern Automotive Systems. I am the principal supervisor. In Progress…
  • Ms. T. Sharma, a Ph.D. student at RMC. Subject: Object detection for autonomous vehicles operating under varying weather conditions. I am the principal supervisor. In Progress..
  • Ms. N. Seifaddini, a Ph.D. student at UQAC. Subject: new advanced techniques for power transformer monitoring in smart grid applications.  I am a co-supervisor with Pr Issouf Fofana, UQAC. In Progress…
  • Mr. Y. Villeneuve, a Ph.D. student at UQAC. Subject: AI-Based Optimization and Prediction for Hydropower Generation.  I am a co-supervisor with Pr Sara Séguin, UQAC. In Progress…
  • Mr. M. Mimouni, a Ph.D. student at UQO. Subject: Compressive Sensing-Based for IoT Indoor Localization. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Larbi Talbi, UQO. In Progress…
  • Mr. M. Jbena Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: An In-depth Examination of Recommendation Systems for Customer Applications. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane, In Progress…
  • Mr. A. Achmamada Ph.D. student at ENSAM, Rabat and  Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca. Subject: Machine Learning and Smart Embedded Systems for Health Applications. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Mohamed Elfezazi and Pr Rachid Saadane,  In Progress…
  • Mr. Y. Ledmaouia Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: The implementation of machine learning techniques in the field of energy production and predictive maintenance. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane, In Progress…
  • Mrs. H. Zoubira Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Leveraging Public Safety and Enhancing Crack detection in Concrete Bridges using AI. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane, In Progress…
  • Mr. M. Chaabanea Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Medical Internet of Things Classifies Pathological ECG Beats with Convolutional Learning. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane, In Progress…
  • Mrs. S. El Maachi, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Assessing the efficiency of spiking neural networks using FPGA-based hardware acceleration for immediate edge neuromorphic computing. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane, In Progress…
  • Mr. El Mehdi Ouafiq, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Design of Smart Agriculture based on Big Data and Internet of Things (Agriculture 4.0 for Semiarid Regions). I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane (international collaboration). Completed, 12 publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
  • Mr. S. Mohamed, a Ph.D. student at Ibn Tofaïl University, Kenitra, Morocco. Subject:  Reliable Machine Learning Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane and Pr Hatim Kherraz (international collaboration) Completed, seven publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
  • Mr. L. Hilmi, a Ph.D. student at Faculty of Sciences of Rabat, Morocco. Subject: Blockchains as Security-Enabler for Wireless Sensor Network and Industrial IoT-applications.  I am a co-supervisor with Pr Driss Rahmani and Pr Rachid Saadane (international collaboration) Completed, three publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
  • Mr. A. Slalmi, a Ph.D. student at Ibn Tofaïl University, Kenitra, Morocco. Subject: Investigating Connectivity Challenges and Available Mitigation for Communication in 5G and Beyond.  I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane and Pr Hatim Kherraz (international collaboration). Completed, 10 publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
  • Ms. I. Bouhassoune, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Design of Folded Dipole  RFID Tag using Computational Intelligence for Healthcare Sensing Applications.  I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane (international collaboration). Completed, seven publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
Postdoctoral Fellows (past)
  • Dr Imran Ahmed, (Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer with Anglia Ruskin University, UK).
  • Dr Naresh K Darimireddy, (now professor and dean R & D, with Lendi IET Lendi IET, India).
Masters Students
  • Mr. M. Ritouet, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC. Subject: Structural Health Monitoring.  I am the principal supervisor. Completed
  • Mr. A. Bourenane, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and Polytech Orléans, France. Subject: Designing a Preventive Maintenance Program. In collaboration with the Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Rouyn-Noranda, Qc.  I am the principal supervisor. Completed
  • Mr. M. Thibaud, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and Polytech Lyon, Lyon, France. Subject: Development of 3D mechanical design for optical circuits and plugs using leading-edge technologies. In collaboration with the Ciena Corporation, Kanata.  I am the principal supervisor. Completed
  • Mr. Y. M’Darhri Alaoui, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and Polytech Lyon, Lyon, France. Subject: Improving Security and Controlling Hazardous Energy According to Canadian Standard CSA Z460: Case Study Wastewater Treatment Plant of South Shore-Montreal. In collaboration with the company OPSIS-ESE, Energy-Efficient Solutions.  I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
  • Mr. M. Balma, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC. Subject: Environmental Monitoring Systems & Techniques. In collaboration with the company DEC Enviro, a multidisciplinary firm specialized in environmental engineering (Montréal, Laurentians and North-Shore). I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
  • Mr. A. Lecuyer, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and ESIGELEC, Research Engineering School, Rouen, France. Subject: Design of a new version of NOVAPASS (a connected digital access control solution). I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
  • Mr. G. Gozard, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and  Polytech Grenoble, France. Subject: Design and Implementation of a cloud-based web applications, and IoT solutions for Industrial Applications. I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
  • Mr. A. B. Zoungrana, a master’s student at UQACSubject: Advanced anomaly detection systems toward predictive maintenance strategies in Industry 4.0. I am the principal supervisor. Completed (now with CGI-Canada, Chicoutimi, Qc).
  • Mr. V.  Boyer, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and ESIREM Research Engineering School, Dijon, France. Subject: implementing a Human Machine Interface with 3D printers for E-health applications. I am the principal supervisor. Completed Completed (now with the Start-up 3D Totem, Lyon, France).
  • Mr. O. Waeterloos, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and The Leonard de Vinci Engineering School (ESILV), Paris, France . Subject: developing and testing a python script for virtual proxy solutions. I am the principal supervisor. Completed (now with Sopra Banking Software, Valencia, Spain).
  • Mr. A. Javelle, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and ESIREM Research Engineering School, Dijon, France. Subject: developing of smart farming application. I am the principal supervisor. Completed (now with the Start-up MyFoodStory, Dijon, France).
  • Mr. A. Issa, a Master of Engineering  at UQAT (UQAT-UQAC Collaboration). Subject:  Software defined wireless network (sdwn) for industrial environment. Completed (now with a Support Engineer at Ericsson, Montreal). One Springer book chapter is the outcome of this collaboration.
Formers Undergraduate Students
  • Dhia Jenzeri. Title of the project: Development of a cloud-based IoT system for intelligent environmental monitoring. 2022 MITACS Globalink Research Internship. I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
  • S. Harvey-Desmeules and  P. -A Charette, undergraduate students at UQAC. Title of the project: Design of Laser sensors for molten metal level and flow control applications.   In collaboration  with the company Dynamic Concept. Completed.
  • É. Dionne, R. Doiron and B. M. Konaté undergraduate students at UQAC. Title of the project: Design and Development of Novel Wheelchair with Lifting Capabilities. Completed.
  • J. AlarieW.  Bégin, F.  Coté and  P.  Trembaly, undergraduate students at UQAC. Title of the project: Thermal Mass Flow Meter Calibration for Industrial Application. I was acting as a co-supervisor.  This project was led by Pr Laszlo Kiss, UQAC. Completed, (J. Alarie now a PhD. Student at UQAC).
  • G. Tremblay and P. -O. Otis. undergraduate students at UQAC. Title of the project: Security Enhancement Systems in Industrial Installation Using Programmable Logic Controllers: Case Study Alma – Resolute Forest Products. This project was completed in collaboration  with the company “Resolute Forest Products” (French:Produits forestiers Résolu), formerly known as AbitibiBowater Inc. I was the principal supervisor. Completed (G. Tremblay now with Resolute Forest Products, Alma, Qc,  P. -O. Otis with Stantec, Chicoutimi, Qc).
  • N. Coulombe and T. Berube, undergraduate students at UQAC. Title of the project:: Development of an Electronic Motor and Wireless Circuits for an Autonomous Smart Robot (called MIA). This project was completed in collaboration  with the company Startup “Kolony Robotic”. I was the principal supervisor. Completed.
  • E. Galland, a summer undergraduate visiting student, Polytech Tours, France. Subject: Data Analysis in an End-to-End IoT System (nRF52 – ADXL345, Raspberry Pi) using BLE, IPv6 over
    Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) and Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). I was the principal supervisor. Completed (now with SNCF, Paris, France).

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