Supervision of Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Research Group
Ph.D Students
M. N. Quadar,a Ph.D. student at RMC. Subject: Analyzing and Securing Embedded Networks Using Game Theory and EdgeAI: A Case Study on Modern Automotive Systems. I am the principal supervisor. In Progress…
Ms. T. Sharma,a Ph.D. student at RMC. Subject: Object detection for autonomous vehicles operating under varying weather conditions. I am the principal supervisor. In Progress..
Ms. N. Seifaddini, a Ph.D. student at UQAC. Subject: new advanced techniques for power transformer monitoring in smart grid applications. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Issouf Fofana, UQAC.In Progress…
Mr. Y. Villeneuve, a Ph.D. student at UQAC. Subject: AI-Based Optimization and Prediction for Hydropower Generation. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Sara Séguin, UQAC.In Progress…
Mr. M. Mimouni, a Ph.D. student at UQO. Subject: Compressive Sensing-Based for IoT Indoor Localization. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Larbi Talbi, UQO.In Progress…
Mr. M. Jben, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: An In-depth Examination of Recommendation Systems for Customer Applications. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane,In Progress…
Mr. A. Achmamad, a Ph.D. student at ENSAM, Rabat and Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca. Subject: Machine Learning and Smart Embedded Systems for Health Applications. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Mohamed Elfezazi and Pr Rachid Saadane, In Progress…
Mr. Y. Ledmaoui, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: The implementation of machine learning techniques in the field of energy production and predictive maintenance. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane,In Progress…
Mrs. H. Zoubir, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Leveraging Public Safety and Enhancing Crack detection in Concrete Bridges using AI. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane,In Progress…
Mr. M. Chaabane, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Medical Internet of Things Classifies Pathological ECG Beats with Convolutional Learning. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane,In Progress…
Mrs. S. El Maachi, a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Assessing the efficiency of spiking neural networks using FPGA-based hardware acceleration for immediate edge neuromorphic computing. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane,In Progress…
Mr. El Mehdi Ouafiq,a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Design of Smart Agriculture based on Big Data and Internet of Things (Agriculture 4.0 for Semiarid Regions). I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane (international collaboration). Completed, 12 publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
Mr. S. Mohamed, a Ph.D. student at Ibn Tofaïl University, Kenitra, Morocco. Subject: Reliable Machine Learning Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane and Pr Hatim Kherraz (international collaboration). Completed, seven publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
Mr. L. Hilmi, a Ph.D. student at Faculty of Sciences of Rabat, Morocco. Subject: Blockchains as Security-Enabler for Wireless Sensor Network and Industrial IoT-applications. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Driss Rahmani and Pr Rachid Saadane (international collaboration). Completed, three publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
Mr. A. Slalmi, a Ph.D. student at Ibn Tofaïl University, Kenitra, Morocco. Subject: Investigating Connectivity Challenges and Available Mitigation for Communication in 5G and Beyond. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane and Pr Hatim Kherraz (international collaboration). Completed, 10 publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
Ms. I. Bouhassoune,a Ph.D. student at Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco. Subject: Design of Folded Dipole RFID Tag using Computational Intelligence for Healthcare Sensing Applications. I am a co-supervisor with Pr Rachid Saadane (international collaboration). Completed, seven publications is the outcome of this collaboration.
Postdoctoral Fellows (past)
Dr Imran Ahmed, (Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer with Anglia Ruskin University, UK).
Dr Naresh K Darimireddy, (now professor and dean R & D, with Lendi IET Lendi IET, India).
Masters Students
Mr. M. Ritouet, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC. Subject: Structural Health Monitoring. I am the principal supervisor. Completed
Mr. A. Bourenane, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and Polytech Orléans, France. Subject: Designing a Preventive Maintenance Program. In collaboration with the Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Rouyn-Noranda, Qc. I am the principal supervisor. Completed
Mr. M. Thibaud, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and Polytech Lyon, Lyon, France. Subject: Development of 3D mechanical design for optical circuits and plugs using leading-edge technologies. In collaboration with the Ciena Corporation, Kanata. I am the principal supervisor. Completed
Mr. Y. M’Darhri Alaoui, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and Polytech Lyon, Lyon, France. Subject: Improving Security and Controlling Hazardous Energy According to Canadian Standard CSA Z460: Case Study Wastewater Treatment Plant of South Shore-Montreal. In collaboration with the company OPSIS-ESE, Energy-Efficient Solutions. I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
Mr. M. Balma, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC. Subject: Environmental Monitoring Systems & Techniques. In collaboration with the company DEC Enviro, a multidisciplinary firm specialized in environmental engineering (Montréal, Laurentians and North-Shore). I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
Mr. A. Lecuyer, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and ESIGELEC, Research Engineering School, Rouen, France. Subject: Design of a new version of NOVAPASS (a connected digital access control solution). I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
Mr. G. Gozard, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and Polytech Grenoble, France. Subject: Design and Implementation of a cloud-based web applications, and IoT solutions for Industrial Applications. I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
Mr. A. B. Zoungrana, a master’s student at UQAC. Subject: Advanced anomaly detection systems toward predictive maintenance strategies in Industry 4.0. I am the principal supervisor. Completed (now with CGI-Canada, Chicoutimi, Qc).
Mr. V. Boyer, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and ESIREM Research Engineering School, Dijon, France. Subject: implementing a Human Machine Interface with 3D printers for E-health applications. I am the principal supervisor. Completed Completed (now with the Start-up 3D Totem, Lyon, France).
Mr. O. Waeterloos, a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and The Leonard de Vinci Engineering School (ESILV), Paris, France . Subject: developing and testing a python script for virtual proxy solutions. I am the principal supervisor. Completed (now with Sopra Banking Software, Valencia, Spain).
Mr. A. Javelle,a professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at UQAC and ESIREM Research Engineering School, Dijon, France. Subject: developing of smart farming application. I am the principal supervisor. Completed (now with the Start-up MyFoodStory, Dijon, France).
Mr. A. Issa,a Master of Engineering at UQAT (UQAT-UQAC Collaboration). Subject: Software defined wireless network (sdwn) for industrial environment. Completed(now with a Support Engineer at Ericsson, Montreal). One Springer book chapter is the outcome of this collaboration.
Formers Undergraduate Students
Dhia Jenzeri. Title of the project: Development of a cloud-based IoT system for intelligent environmental monitoring. 2022 MITACS Globalink Research Internship. I am the principal supervisor. Completed.
S. Harvey-Desmeules and P. -A Charette, undergraduate students at UQAC.Title of the project: Design of Laser sensors for molten metal level and flow control applications. In collaboration with the company Dynamic Concept.Completed.
É. Dionne, R. Doiron and B. M. Konaté , undergraduate students at UQAC.Title of the project: Design and Development of Novel Wheelchair with Lifting Capabilities.Completed.
J. Alarie, W. Bégin,F. Cotéand P. Trembaly, undergraduate students at UQAC.Title of the project: Thermal Mass Flow Meter Calibration for Industrial Application. I was acting as a co-supervisor. This project was led by Pr Laszlo Kiss, UQAC.Completed, (J. Alarie now a PhD. Student at UQAC).
G. Tremblay and P. -O. Otis. undergraduate students at UQAC.Title of the project: Security Enhancement Systems in Industrial Installation Using Programmable Logic Controllers: Case Study Alma – Resolute Forest Products. This project was completed in collaboration with the company “Resolute Forest Products” (French:Produits forestiers Résolu), formerly known as AbitibiBowater Inc. I was the principal supervisor. Completed (G. Tremblay now with Resolute Forest Products, Alma, Qc, P. -O. Otis with Stantec, Chicoutimi, Qc).
N. Coulombe and T. Berube,undergraduate students at UQAC.Title of the project:: Development of an Electronic Motor and Wireless Circuits for an Autonomous Smart Robot (called MIA). This project was completed in collaboration with the company Startup “Kolony Robotic”. I was the principal supervisor. Completed.
E. Galland,a summer undergraduate visiting student, Polytech Tours, France. Subject: Data Analysis in an End-to-End IoT System (nRF52 – ADXL345, Raspberry Pi) using BLE, IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) and Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). I was the principal supervisor. Completed (now with SNCF, Paris, France).